3DC multimedia Productions​

Modelling, Texturing, Lightning, Rendering with 3dsMax + VRay

Modelling, Texturing, Lightning, Rendering with 3dsMax + VRay

A detail of the sofa with TV Corner and the entrance door. Post in Adobe® Photoshop with Lens Blur Correction.

Modelling, Texturing, Lightning, Rendering with 3dsMax + VRay

3D Modelling : 3DS Max, Maya, Alias Studio Tools, Autocad
3D Landscaping: Vue xStream
Animation: Character Studio, Craft Animations Director Studio Plugin
Rendering: HDR Shop System, MentalRay, VRay, iRay
Editing: PremierePro
Compositing: After Effects
Authoring: Encore
Camera Tracking: Boujou, Synamatch, MatchMover, Syntheyes
Panoramics e Image Modeling: Stitcher, ImageModeler, 3DmeNow Pro
Image Processing: Photoshop. Illustrator
Slow Motion: Retimer
Realtime Animation e Motion Capture: Motion Builder, Animazoo Gypsy Suite (tuta a sensori meccanici)
WebDesign: Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Flash, Joomla, JTKit, Typo3

We can offer you:
1. 3D Rendering Interiors/Exteriors
2. 3D Animations
3. Compositing
4. Editing
5. Bluray and DVD Authoring
6. Web-Design
7. Multimedia
8. Unity3D application developmet
9. CMS - Joomla! Open-Source
10. Rent of Greenscreen for Chroma-key

Unity3D application development

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