3DC multimedia Productions​

3D Rendering & Animations - "Villas by the sea"
Autodesk® 3dsMax
This work was rendered all in one month using Autodesk ® 3dsMax + VRay for 5 days and 5 nights consecutively to each sequence, over a total of seven video clips!
Greenscreen in action: Chroma-Key!
Adobe® AfterEffects
This is an example of cleanliness that can be achieved with our Chroma-Key methods, on owner Greenscreen, combined with the power of Adobe® AfterEffects Plugins, like Keylight or Primatte, and Ultra-GPU for Adobe® PremierePro!
Compositing - "HP® Spot"
This video is an example of what can be done with Compositing with simple tricks of the trade.
It's inspired by the famous TV Spot of HP®, where they were managed simple frames that become magically photographs!